Davinci Resolve Node Tree – GH5s – 2023




This is a Davinci Resolve Node Tree Buildout preset pack to help you get the most out the videos produced with your GH5s.

You Can see the tutorial on how to use this here: https://youtu.be/wqAwHV_-ygE


No matter if you are brand new to editing, or you just don’t want to build it yourself, this pack is a folder of the 2 main presets I use everyday for editing my GH5s real estate videos. Keep in mind these buildouts are the main jumping off point and will require a bit of tweaking just depending on the image itself, but these node buildouts will give you the best one click processing  possible…

  1. GH5s Exterior Grade_1.29.1.dpx
  2. GH5s Exterior Grade_1.29.1.drx
  3. GH5s Interior Grade_1.14.1.dpx
  4. GH5s Interior Grade_1.14.1.drx

Due to the digital nature of this product, refunds are not available.

Please confirm compatibility with your software and skill level prior to purchasing.

These buildouts should be compatible with the newest versions of Davinci Resolve (Mac & PC).

This pack does not include the Davinci Resolve program or mobile application.


©Jeremy Deihl 2023 – All rights reserved

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